
Shopping in Coonoor

A travel expedition is never complete without shopping. Shopping constitute an integral part of our travel plan. What are you going to look for while shopping in Coonoor? Of course you are not going to search for branded showrooms in Coonoor or for that matter diamond sets. You can always go for knick knacks and souvenirs while you are on Coonoor. Small but elegant souvenirs make for a great gift back home. You can also choose a whole range of handicraft products reflecting the tradition of Coonoor.

Home made chocolates are a good bet. Freshly baked cakes are also a good pick. The only deterrent factor is that you can’t carry them home as they are perishable. Check out the different verities of tea while shopping in Coonoor. Coonoor abounds in tea plantations.

Coonoor bazaar is a good place to pick up eucalyptus and lavender oil. Natural herbs, vegetables and fruits abound in Coonoor.

This beautiful place was originally inhabited by the Toda tribe who still can be seen in their traditional attire of bright colored shawl. You can also pick up the traditional Toda dresses and handicrafts, which reflect the culture and tradition of Coonoor at its best. These handicrafts products are available near the market place. Don’t forget to strike a good deal.

Some fast facts about Coonoor

Languages: Tamil and English

Best time to visit: October–March

STD Code: 0423

You can also make your journey worthwhile in Coonoor by getting a permit to any one of the tea estates in Coonoor. Get a first hand glimpse of how tea is picked, processed and dried and packeted. If you are lucky enough you can shop for an authentic packet of Nilgiri tea, from the very vicinity of the tea garden

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