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Ooty Flower Show

The Ooty – the queen of hills, is an adorable and lovely tourist destination which is cuddled in the Nilgiri Mountains in the southern part of India. The place is popular amongst the tourist and is frequented by a large number of tourists around the year.  One of the major attractions that drives a large number of tourists to this region is the Ooty Flower Show. This Flower show is organized by the Department of Horticulture and Plantation Crop every year in the Botanical Garden of Ooty.

The Flower show is one of the main event of the summer festival that is conducted in the month of May to encourage the Horticulture developments in the district. The first flower show was conducted in 1896 and was inaugurated by the then collector Mr. Tremenhere. The elaborated arrangements are made to conduct the flower show. During the show a garden competition is conducted to encourage the interest of the flower lovers and farming community. On an average 200 gardens compete in the competition, and the best gardens are awarded prizes and cups.   

The Flower Show remarkably exhibits around 10000 flower pots on the show, apart from this 1500 flower pots are showcased by the competitors. Moving forward, around 150 varieties of flowers grown in different colors are on the display to to caste a spellbound image on the visitors. Adding to the flair of the show  various kinds of tropical and temperate vegetables are exhibited that leaves the visitors' with eyes wide open. The other key attractions to be aired during the show days are the Floral decoration, vegetable carving, Indian and Japanese Flower arrangements, Flower Rangoli and Bonsai. More than 3 lakhs tourists are likely to visit the flower show 2013.

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